User Manual

Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation
UltraClenz, LLC
Page 11
5.2 Bed Beacon to Test Badge Range Adjustment
1. Set and adjust the bed and mattress height to 30 inches from the floor (see Figure 8).
2. While holding the Test Badge 50 inches from the floor and 24 inches from the bed’s handrail center location
(side of bed) (see Figures 9 & 10), the Test Badge’s red and yellow LEDs should flash once a second, indicating
that the proper activation range and communication have been successfully established. If range is not 24”
adjust the Bed Beacon’s range buttons until the Badge activation range is 24 inches (see Figure 10).
Figure 8. Adjust Bed Mattress Height to 30 Inches
Figure 9. Test Badge Height Is 50 Inches From the floor
Figure 10. Test Badge Activation Distance from Bed’s Handrail Center is 24”