User Manual

Patient Safeguard System Installation Tool Directions for Use Ecolab, Inc.
Page 11
5.0 Operation with System B
5.1 Boot Post
When the power is turned on the Tool will display the message “Booting”, all three indicator LEDs will flash in
sequence as the Tool performs an internal power on self-test, and the audible alert will beep for about 1 second.
This is normal and provides feedback that the display, all three LEDs, and the audible alert are functioning
properly. The Tool will then go into the last mode it was in before being powered down and is ready to be used.
5.2 Changing Modes
To change the mode that the Tool is in, press the Mode key, then use the Up and Down keys to navigate to the
desired mode. Next press the Select key and the Tool will enter the desired mode.
5.3 Turning the Display Back On
The power supply for the display interferes with the Tool’s radios and is turned off to allow the radios to
communicate with Beacons. If the Tool’s batteries are drawn down below a certain level, the display will go blank
when the power supply is turned off. Pressing the Select key will turn the display on for a brief time allowing it to
be read, but turning the radios off for that time period.
5.4 Beacon Communications Testing
The communications between a Beacon and a Badge can be tested with the Tool (the Tool emulates a Badge).
The Tool is placed in Beacon mode and the three indicator LEDs give an indication of the quality of the
communications at the range that the Tool is held from the Beacon (a Dispenser will have to be activated with the
Tool in range). The green LED will light if the Tool detects a 125 KHz signal but the signal is corrupt in some
manner. The yellow LED will light if the 125 KHz signal is found to be correct. The red LED will light when the
Beacon and Tool correctly complete a communications cycle (both the 125 KHz and 2.4 GHz radios have worked
correctly). The Tool will then display the Beacon’s address, Beacon’s battery level as a percentage and the
Beacon’s firmware revision. The Select key can be pressed to turn the display on for a brief period of time so the
results can be read.
5.5 Testing a Beacon’s Bentley Communications
The Tool can be used to check the operation of a Beacon’s Bentley radio by placing the Tool into Bentley mode,
then placing the Tool in the field of an active Beacon (a Dispenser Beacon will have to be activated). The Tool
will only respond to a Beacon five times while in Bentley mode to keep the Beacon from flooding the network with
messages. The next step is to use the dashboard’s “Search” function to look up the Badge ID # 0A 00 00 01 and
check if the “Device”, date and time match the Beacon’s address, and the time it was activated. The Select Key
can be pressed to turn the display on for a brief period of time so the results can be read.
5.6 Adjusting a Beacon’s Range
The Tool can be used to adjust the range of a Beacon by placing it into the Range Adjust Mode. The Tool must
first complete a communications transaction with the Beacon to get the Beacon’s current range setting; this
means that a Dispenser Beacon will need to be activated before the range setting can be read. Then, use the Up
key to increase the Beacon’s range setting and the Down key to decrease the Beacon’s range setting. The Tool
will send the updated range setting to the Beacon with the next complete communications transaction with the
Beacon; a Dispenser Beacon will need to be activated. The Select key can be used to turn the display on
allowing the Beacon’s current range setting to be read, the Up and Down keys also turn the display on allowing
the new range setting to be read.
5.7 Changing a Beacon’s Bed / Stretcher Mode
To make changes to a Bed Beacon’s Bed/Stretcher mode (this mode determines if the AC Sensor (FAS1542) is
required for the Beacon to operate correctly) use the Tool’s Bed/Stretcher mode. The Tool’s display will show the
Beacon’s mode and address. The Tool requires a completed communications transaction to load the Bed
Beacon’s current mode (the display will read Bed” to use an AC Sensor and “Stret” to not use an AC Sensor).
Then use the Up and Down keys to toggle the Tool in between Bed and Stretcher modes. The Tool requires that
a final communications cycle be completed to transfer the new setting to the Bed Beacon. The Select key can be