User's Manual

Datum // date
Teile-Nr. // part no.
Dokument-Nr. Revision //
document no. revision
300011AL11E 04
Head Module Settings
User Manual
Seite/gesamt // page/total
7 / 8
Dokument erstellt // document created
SAS387 15.03.2013
Dokument geprüft // document checked
FIH091 ,09.04.2013
User Manual: Head Module Settings
● Ablageort: I:\300011\083_Software\05 Dokumente\300011AL11E04_user_manual_head_module_settings.docx
template no.: 0730QV06A03 template created: HAO006 20.01.2011 template checked: BEA373 20.01.2011 location: ISO drive
ecom instruments GmbH
1.10 Version Info
Last point in the Head Module Settings gives you the opportunity to get information about the version of
the service of the head modules which is installed on your device. Open the Head Module Settings and
click on “Version Info” (see Pic17). In the next window you can see the version of the service (see Pic18).
Pic17: Head Module Settings Pic18: Service Version