User's Manual

Datum // date
Teile-Nr. // part no.
Dokument-Nr. Revision //
document no. revision
300011AL11E 07
Head Module Settings
User Manual
Seite/gesamt // page/total
17 / 25
Dokument erstellt // document created
SAS387 10.07.2014
Dokument geprüft // document checked
FIH091 10.07.2014
User Manual: Head Module Settings
● Ablageort: C:\Users\de0216\Documents\Quellcode\EcomService\user_manual_head_module_settings\300011AL11E07_user_manual_head_module_settings.docx
template no.: 0730QV06A03 template created: HAO006 20.01.2011 template checked: BEA373 20.01.2011 location: ISO drive
K = UCC/EAN-128
L = Bookland EAN
M = Trioptic Code 39
N = Coupon Code
R = GS1 DataBar-14, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1
DataBar Expanded
1.10 Wedge Data
To set a preamble or postamble for the data which is read from a head module, open the Head Module
Settings and click on “Wedge Data” (see Pic16). In the next window (see Pic17) set a preamble or
postamble by filling out the corresponding text field and save your settings by clicking the OK button.
Note: You can also set an escape literal for preamble or postamble. The following escape literals are
allowed: \a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f, \r. A second special feature for preamble/postamble is to set one of the
following codes:
#TAB (sends a tab)
#SPACE (sends a space)
#ENTER (sends an enter)
#xxx (xxx stands for a decimal number between 000 and 127; you can set any ASCII character
for preamble/postamble by using the decimal code of the character -> for example if you set #013
as preamble or postamble a carriage return will be sent (see more examples here))
Another option that you can make in this section of the Head Module Settings is to enable or disable the
Wedge. This means that if you would disable the Wedge, no data will be output.
Pic16: Head Module Settings Pic17: Settings for the Wedge