User's Manual

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300011AL11E 07
Head Module Settings
User Manual
Seite/gesamt // page/total
5 / 25
Dokument erstellt // document created
SAS387 10.07.2014
Dokument geprüft // document checked
FIH091 10.07.2014
User Manual: Head Module Settings
● Ablageort: C:\Users\de0216\Documents\Quellcode\EcomService\user_manual_head_module_settings\300011AL11E07_user_manual_head_module_settings.docx
template no.: 0730QV06A03 template created: HAO006 20.01.2011 template checked: BEA373 20.01.2011 location: ISO drive
1.3 Enable Dual Head Module
There is a new feature from version 1.7.2. It is now possible to read with a dual head module by pushing
different trigger buttons. If you choose two head modules, a USB device (e.g. TLB30) and a UART
device (e.g. SE955), you can start reading with the USB device by pushing the center scan button and
with the left side lower button you can start reading with the UART device. In section 1.2 Enable Module
is described how you can select a head module. It is not allowed to choose a USB device together with
EA15 or EX25i. So if you choose a USB device and EA15 or EX25i, the USB device will be disabled and
you can start reading with the EA15 or EX25i by pushing the center scan or the left side lower button. If
you choose only one head module, you can start reading with this head module by pushing the center
scan or the left side lower button.
1.4 #L|F TLB30 (low frequency RFID reader)
After you have enabled the LF reader through selecting it in the “Enable Module” section in the Head
Module Settings (see 1.2 Enable Module) you are now able to change some settings for the LF reader.
Open the Head Module Settings and choose “Setting #L|F – TLB30” (see Pic4). In the next window (see
Pic5) you can make any changes you want to do for the LF reader. Click on the OK button to save your
Pic4: Head Module Settings after
enabling the LF reader Pic5: LF reader settings
Explanation of the settings for the #L|F TLB30:
COM Port
Serial port of the reader.
from block
Start block address to start reading a TAG.
data length
Length of data to read from a TAG.
Enable or disable the reading of a Unique TAG.
Enable or disable the reading of a Titan TAG.
(not implemented at the moment)
Enable or disable the reading of a HitagS TAG.
Enable or disable the reading of a Hitag-2 TAG.
(not implemented at the moment)
Enable or disable the reading of a Zoodiac TAG.
Enable or disable the reading of a Q5 TAG.
(not implemented at the moment)
Enable or disable the reading of a Tiris TAG.