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November 30, 2009
33103 MSDS - DRI004 EcoSMART Organic Insecticide Ant & Roach Killer2.doc
Flashpoint: .................................................. Not tested
Flammable Limits:....................................... Not tested
Extinguishing Media:.................................. Use Foam, Carbon Dioxide, or Dry Chemical extinguishers.
Fire and Explosion Hazards:...................... Container contents are under pressure. Exposure to
temperatures above 130°F could cause bursting.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures:............. Keep containers cool to prevent bursting. Firefighters should
have eye protection and wear self-contained breathing
Hazardous Decomposition Products:....... Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, smoke, fumes, and
unburned hydrocarbons and terpenes.
6. Spill/Leak Procedures
Should the container begin to leak (if accidentally punctured for example) allow the contents to discharge
completely in a well-ventilated area. When the contents have been completely discharged, absorb any
liquid residue with an inert absorbent material and dispose of the empty container and absorbent material
in accordance with local ordinances. Components of this product are not considered EPA hazardous
7. Handling and Storage
Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use or store near heat, flames or hot surfaces. Do not smoke while
using product. Do not use product on or in electrical equipment. Foods and eating utensils should be
removed or covered when this product is used. Food processing equipment should be covered and/or
wiped down after use. No smoking or eating in the product handling area.
Disposal: When container is empty, recycle if available. If recycling is not available, wrap and place the
empty container in a trash collector. Keep out of the reach of children and animals.
8. Exposure Control/Personal Protection
Ventilation:.............................................Local exhaust ventilation is not required.
Respiratory Protection:........................Not required with adequate ventilation.
Eye Protection:......................................Not required. Safety glasses are recommended during
volumetric treatments.
Gloves: ...................................................Not required.
Other Protective equipment:................Not required.
9. Physical Properties
Appearance: White liquid Specific Gravity (water =1): 0.98 g/ml
Odor: Sweet floral / minty scent
10. Stability and Reactivity