User manual

ECTACO Partner
ES B-3 User Manual
To delete one character, place the cursor to the right of the character you want
to delete and write the Backspace function in the Letter input area.
To delete several characters at once, do the following:
Drag the stylus over the characters to highlight them.
Write the Backspace function in the Letter input area.
Writing Accented Characters
Natural handwriting supports accented character recognition for Spanish,
Portuguese, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. To enable accented characters,
first set the desired Pen Language (see page 46).
Note: The following special characters can only be written in the Punctuation
input area:
French << >>
Spanish ¡ ¿
The table below lists the accented characters available for each language.
Spanish á é í ñ ó ú ü ¡ ¿
Dutch à á ä â è é ë ê ì í ï î ò ó ô ö ù ú ü û ñ ç
French à â ç ë è é ê ï î ô œ ü ù û
German ä ö ü ß
Italian à è é ì ò ù
Portuguese ã á â ç è é ê í ò ó ô õ ü ú
Hints for Successful Handwriting
Write characters as they appear in the Handwriting Guide.
Always write in lower case.
For an initial capital letter, use the Shift symbol.
Write the characters large enough in the appropriate input area.
For a series of capital letters, use the Caps Lock function. Double dots appear
in the cursor to indicate Caps Lock.