User's Manual

SE-1010 PC ECG User Manual Configuring the System
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When DX12 wireless sampling box is selected, you can click on the Address button to view the
receiver address. You can match the transmitter and receiver based on the address
from the Sampling Device pull-down list.
9.3.2 Setting Device Type/Mode
Select a device type/mode from the Device Type/Device pull-down list
9.3.3 Setting COM Port of Sample/Treadmill/BP Monitor
Select the COM port for sampling/treadmill/BP monitor from the corresponding pull-down lists
. To guarantee the system’s proper operation, one of the
preconditions is to ensure that the connection between the peripheral equipment and the PC
accords with the setup in the software. For example, if you set the treadmill port to COM2, you
should connect the treadmill to COM2 of the PC; if you set the BP monitor port to COM3, you
should connect the BP monitor to COM3 of the PC.
9.3.4 Setting a Protocol
Select a protocol from the Protocol pull-down list . You can
also add a new protocol or modify a protocol.