User's Manual

SE-1515 PC ECG User Manual ECG Analysis
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2. Click Pharma to open the pharma study screen start pharma study.
Test Time Setting
In the parameter setup window for pharma study, you can set the report output time
mode. The default value is 0-1-3-5-10-15. It means the system will automatically output
a report in the beginning,
1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, and 15th minute. This function is available
only when the report format for pharma study is set to All-Lead ECG Report.
You can also customize new time modes. A new time mode can contain a maximum of
10 time nodes and the time node value must be no larger than 30. When the cusmization
is started, you should set the time nodes first and then close the customization window.
For details about other settings, refer to corresponding parameter descriptions for resting
3. If you find the hand electrodes or chest electrodes have been placed incorrectly after ECG
sampling, you can click Inversion to adjust the electrode settings and therefore avoid
4. Click Re-analyze and the system automatically reanalyze the ECG data in the last 10s.
5. The information displayed on the right panel includes measurement information, feature
description and diagnosis result.
Measurement information: Parameter values can be input manually. If the value is
beyond range, it will turn red automatically.
Shortcut Keyboard: Used for quick modification on feature description or diagnosis
Smart input: In the Feature Description or Diagnosis Result area, you can input only
one letter and possible phrases will be provided.
Glossary: Click to open the Glossary window and you can edit feature description or
diagnosis result.
History: Click on History and you can view all the history diagnosis records of the
current patient.
6. Right-click on the waveform area and a shortcut menu will be displayed. Options provided
are R-R (bpm), R-R (ms) and Refilter.
Select R-R (bpm)/ R-R (ms) and related data will be displayed.
Select Refilter and you can modify the parameter values in the Refilter window.
7. Double-click on the waveform area, you can view the magnified waveform around the click
point on the magnified waveform screen.
Click on the lead symbol in the 1mV calibration mark and you can switch leads.
The inverted triangles correspond to R waves. Click on an inverted triangle, 5 mark lines
will appear around the corresponding R wave and related R, QRS, PR, and QT/QTC
information will be displayed. Right click and you can disable the mark lines.