User's Manual

SE-1515 PC ECG User Manual System Setup
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pressure, height and weight can be configured.
To set the system color scheme.
Automatically set
to normal after
If enabled, the system automatically changes the status of a exmination
record from Emergent to Normal after printing its report.
8.9.1 Product Authorization
For details, refer to SE-1515 PC ECG Installation Guide.
8.9.2 Advanced Setting Examination Department and Device Management
On the Exam. Dept. and Device Management window, fill the device ID to the Device ID
column and configure the Parent Department and Device Name. Click Save (S) to save the
configuration. You can modify the department name, add or delete data entries. Examination Type and Item Management
Click on Exam. Type and Item Management, you can modify the value and unit of the cost. User Management
Click on User Management and you can search the list by user ID or user name.
Click Search and you can search for user information based on the conditions set.
Under User List, you can click Add (A) to add new users and set their rights; click Modify (M)
to modify basic user information.
To switch between multiple user accounts, choose Setting>Basic Setting, and select Enable
System Login in local mode settings. Data Maintenance
Click on Data Maintenance, you can perform data backup and recovery settings.