User's Manual

Patient Monitor User Manual Product Specification
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Average parameters of heart beat
Heart rate (bpm)
Time limit of P wave (ms)
PR interval (ms)
QRS interval (ms)
QT/QTC (ms)
12-lead ECG Synchronization
ECG Analog Output
Bandwidth (-3dB; reference
frequency: 10Hz)
Diagnosis: 0.05Hz ~ 100Hz
Monitor: 0.5Hz ~ 40Hz
Surgery: 1Hz ~ 20Hz
Maximum transmission delay 500ms (in diagnostic mode, and with notch off)
Sensitivity 1V/mV ±10%
PACE rejection/enhancement Without Pace enhancement or pace rejection
Waveform Display Consistent with the calculation leads.
Compliant with Standard and
Complies with the requirements in terms of short circuit
protection and leakage current in EN60601-1.
Defib Sync Pulse
Output wave Square pulse
Output impedance <500 
Maximum Time Delay 35mS (R-wave peak to leading edge of pulse)
High level: 3.5 to 5 V, providing a maximum of 1 mA
output current;
Low level: < 0.5V, receiving a maximum of 5 mA input
Minimum required R wave
Pulse width 100ms ± 10%
Limited current 15 mA rating
Rising and falling time < 1 ms