Product Manual

Patient Monitor User Manual Monitoring C.O.
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Chapter 17 Monitoring C.O.
17.1 Overview
The Cardiac Output (C.O.) measurement is performed by using Thermodilution method. The
monitor can determine blood temperature, measure cardiac output. You can have iced injecta
using either the flow through system or individual syringes of injecta. You can perform up to 6
measurements before editing the average Cardiac Output. The prompt message on the screen will
tell you when to inject.
17.2 C.O. Safety Information
1 Make sure that appurtenance applied is in conformity with relevant Medical Device
Safety Requirements.
2 Appurtenance should be avoided from contact with conductive metal body when
being connected or applied.
To replace the catheter thermistor, please enter the catheter computation coefficient into
the Constant item according to the instruction.
17.3 C.O. Monitoring Procedures
1. Plug the C.O. interface cable into the C.O. socket and turn on the monitor.
2. Attach the injectate probe connector and catheter thermistor connector to the appropriate parts
of the cardiac output interface cable.And open the patient information window to confirm the
patinet’s height and weight.
3. Pick the C.O. Measure item in the C.O. Option menu.
4. You can perform more than one measurement as required.
5. After the completion of the measurement, access the C.O. Measure window for Review to
edit the measured data.