User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 3
| System Settings
Administration Settings
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Administration Settings
The Administration Settings page configures some basic settings for the AP, such as
the system identification name, the management access passwords, and the
wireless operation Country Code.
Figure 9: Administration
The following items are displayed on this page:
System Name — An alias for the AP, enabling the device to be uniquely
identified on the network. (Default: SMC2890W-AN or SMC2891W-AN;
Range: 1-32 characters)
Username/Guest Username — The name of the user is fixed as eitheradmin
or “guest” and is not configurable.
Old Password — Type your current password.
New Password — The password for management access.
(Length: 5-32 characters, case sensitive)
Confirm New Password Enter the password again for verification.
Country Code — Configures the AP’s country code, which identifies the
country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels.