User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 5
| Advanced Settings
Link Layer Discovery Protocol
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The time-to-live tells the receiving LLDP agent how long to retain all
information pertaining to the sending LLDP agent if it does not transmit
updates in a timely manner. TTL in seconds is based on the following rule:
(Transmission Interval * Hold time) ≤ 65536. Therefore, the default TTL is 4*30 =
120 seconds.
Message Transmission Interval (seconds) — Configures the periodic transmit
interval for LLDP advertisements. (Range: 5-32768 seconds; Default: 30
This attribute must comply with the following rule: (Transmission Interval *
Hold Time) ≤ 65536, and Transmission Interval >= (4 * Delay Interval)
ReInitial Delay Time (seconds) — Configures the delay before attempting to
re-initialize after LLDP ports are disabled or the link goes down. (Range: 1-10
seconds; Default: 2 seconds)
When LLDP is re-initialized on a port, all information in the remote systems
LLDP MIB associated with this port is deleted.
Transmission Delay Value (seconds) — Configures a delay between the
successive transmission of advertisements initiated by a change in local LLDP
MIB variables. (Range: 1-8192 seconds; Default: 4 seconds)
The transmit delay is used to prevent a series of successive LLDP transmissions
during a short period of rapid changes in local LLDP MIB objects, and to
increase the probability that multiple, rather than single changes, are reported
in each transmission.
This attribute must comply with the rule: (4 * Delay Interval) ≤ Transmission