User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 6
| Wireless Settings
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Local MAC — The MAC address of the associating station is compared against
the local database stored on the access point. The Local MAC Authentication
section enables the local database to be set up.
System Default Specifies a default action for all unknown MAC addresses
(that is, those not listed in the local MAC database).
Deny: Blocks access for all MAC addresses except those listed in the local
database as “Allow.
Allow: Permits access for all MAC addresses except those listed in the local
database as “Deny.
MAC Authentication Settings — Enters specified MAC addresses and
permissions into the local MAC database.
MAC Address: Physical address of a client. Enter six pairs of hexadecimal
digits separated by hyphens; for example, 00-90-D1-12-AB-89.
Permission: Select Allow to permit access or Deny to block access.
Add/Delete: Adds or deletes the specified MAC address and permission
setting into or from the local database.
MAC Authentication Table — Displays current entries in the local MAC
The MAC address of the associating station is sent to a configured RADIUS server for
authentication. When using a RADIUS authentication server for MAC address
authentication, the server must first be configured on the RADIUS page.
Figure 34: RADIUS Authentication
The following items are displayed on Authentication page:
MAC Authentication — Selects between, disabled, Local MAC authentication and
RADIUS authentication.