Network Router User Manual

application on the LAN side.
Remote IP Address The source IP address from which the incoming traffic is
allowed. Leave blank for all.
Public Port The destination port number that is made open for this
application on the WAN side
Interface Select the WAN interface on which the port-forwarding
rule is to be applied.
Current Port
Forwarding Table
If you want to remove the port forwarding settings from
the table, select the items and then click "Delete
Selected". If you want remove all settings, just click
"Delete All" button.
When you finish, click ‘Apply Changes’. You’ll see the following message
displayed on web browser:
Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management
interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the
settings will take effect after it reboots. Port Mapping
The router provides multiple interface groups. Up to five interface groups are
supported including one default group. The LAN and WAN interfaces could be
included. Traffic coming from one interface of a group can only be flowed to the
interfaces in the same interface group. Thus, the router can isolate traffic from
group to group for some application. By default, all the interfaces (LAN and WAN)