User's Manual

PICS POC User’s Manual 13 January 2003 Test
This section contains four buttons which are used for testing only. The first button,
Local Test, is useful for the enrollment operator to allow the PIC user to practice using
the PIC. It allows the Enrollment Station to act like the Reader and provide validation of
user access. With the Local Test enabled, the enrollment operator will be able to see if a
match occurs, if a duress match occurs, if no match occurs, or if the fingerprint image
quality is poor. This gives the PIC user a chance to practice using the PIC in a controlled
environment. If the PIC user is unable to operate the PIC properly at this point, the
enrollment operator may need to re-enroll the user.
The Version button will cause an activated PIC to send its identification and version
information. This information will be displayed on the log display only if it is enabled.
This is primarily intended as a diagnostic tool for the maintainer and should not generally
be used by the enrollment operator.
RF Test will place the Enrollment Station in a test mode which will cause any activated
PIC to constantly respond with a message. This mode is primarily used for Reader
checkout, but using it on the Enrollment Station can help diagnose a PIC which is not
communicating properly. With RF Test enabled, the PIC should have a solid red LED
as long as it is receiving data from the Enrollment Station. It also will continuously
respond with an ID message, which the Enrollment Station should indicate on the timeout
bargraph in the Status section. This is primarily intended as a diagnostic tool for the
maintainer and should not generally be used by the enrollment operator.
Reader RF Disable is used to disable the RF from the Reader for a period of 60
seconds. This is only necessary if the Enrollment Station is in close proximity to the
Reader and experiences RF interference during enrollment and testing. For this function
to work, the Ethernet connection between the Enrollment Station and Reader must be
established. Display Log
The display log, as described previously, can be used by the maintainer to troubleshoot
problems with the Enrollment Station or a PIC. This display will generally show the
status messages from a PIC, along with the PIC ID. It gives the maintainer the ability to
see the history of the status messages. Enrollment Process Beginning Enrollment
If the user is not enrolled, the Enroll button will be enabled. If the user is enrolled, the
Disenroll button will be enabled. To actually perform an enrollment, the user must
activate the PIC by sliding the sensor cover up (the finger does not need to be on the
sensor at this time) prior to pressing the Enroll button. If the PIC was not activated prior
to pressing the Enroll button, the operator must press the Enroll button again to
deactivate the enrollment mode, and then activate the PIC. If the PIC is activated when
the Enroll button is selected, the LED on the PIC should blink amber for approximately 5