User's Manual

PICS POC User’s Manual 13 January 2003
This document is intended to provide guidance to the end user of the Personal
Identification Credential System (PICS) for normal operations. It is intended to cover
only the Proof of Concept iteration of the PICS. It describes typical operation of the
Personal Identification Credential (PIC), the PICS Enrollment Station, and the PICS
In general, the roles discussed within this document cover the PIC user, the PICS
Enrollment Station operator, and the PICS maintainer. The PIC user need only be
concerned with the operation of the PIC itself. The PICS Enrollment Station operator
will need to be familiar with both the PIC operation and the PICS Enrollment Station
operation. The PICS maintainer will need to be familiar with all three roles.
1.1 Glossary
PIC Personal Identification Credential (handheld identification unit
incorporating biometric sensor and RF link)
PICS Personal Identification Credential System
PICS Enrollment
Enrollment subsystem that assigns a PIC to an individual and
maintains the database
PICS Reader Interrogation unit that communicates with the PIC and is interfaced
with a local access control system
Proof of Concept
prototype PICS that closely resembles the production system
PIC User(s) The PIC Users are the end users of the system. The PIC users will
be assigned a PIC and be enrolled in the PICS. The PIC users will
interact only with the PIC to which they have been assigned
Enrollment Station
The Enrollment Station Operator uses the Enrollment Station on a
regular basis to enroll and disenroll PIC users.
PICS Maintainer The PICS Maintainer is responsible for system configuration
operations and troubleshooting problems which may arise. This
includes setting up/configuring the PICS Reader, setting up,
configuring and maintaining the PICS Enrollment Station and its
software, including the PICS Enrollment Station software and its
associated database. The PICS Maintainer roll may be
accomplished by more than one individual.