User's Manual

PICS POC User’s Manual 13 January 2003
PIC which has already been used is re-enrolled with a new user, the original user will no
longer be enrolled on the PIC. However, he may not automatically be removed from the
database. To remove a user from the database, the operator will be required to manually
remove the user from the database.
Figure 2 PICS Manager Users Screen
The ENROLL button is used to enroll the currently selected user. It is only available if
the user is not currently enrolled (PIC ID must be blank). Pressing this button will
activate the Enroll screen and select the current user for enrollment. It will not actually
start the enrollment process. Enroll Screen
The Enroll screen, shown in Figure 3, is used to actually enroll a user into the system.
This screen can also be used to test a PIC once a user has been enrolled, or to allow the
user to practice using the PIC. The Enroll screen is divided into four parts. The
enrollment operator should be certain that one and only one PIC is activated near the
Enrollment Station during the time when enrollment or testing is occurring, as the
Enrollment Station may not be able to distinguish one PIC from another.