
Abbildungen können nicht im Serien-Lieferumfang enthaltenes Zubehör darstellen / Illustrations can contain accessories, which are not included in standard extent of delivery.
Abbildungen ähnlich, produktionsbedingte Abweichung vorbehalten / Illustration similar (in design), production-wise modifications reserved.
File: S:\shared-pool\Product-Documentation\T-Produktbeschreibung\30_n0t\Originale_Englisch_PA04\1544054_11041.doc
Erstelldatum/create date: 05.05.2011 15:14:00Aktualisiert/up dated: 27.05.2011
As special accessories available:
Automatic welding shield
Art.-No.: 15.842.50
9 - 13
Bar code: 4006825 547191
Steel wire brush
Art.-No.: 15.934.00
Rod electrode
Art.-No.: 15.917.38
Bar code: 4006825 156904
Ø 2 x 300 mm, 200 pcs
Bar code: 4006825 506334
Metal slag hammer
Art.-No.: 15.841.10
Rod electrode
Art.-No.: 15.917.39
Bar code: 4006825 152210
Ø 2.5 x 350 mm, 175 pcs
Bar code: 4006825 506341
Technical data
Mains: 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Fuse: 16 A
Welding current I
: 120 A
Idle voltage: 48 V
Electrode: Ø 1.6 - 2.5 mm
Product weight: 11.2 kg
Logistic Data
Net weight: 11.2 kg
Gross weight: 12.1 kg
Packing dimensions: 230 x 400 x 290 mm
Bar code: 4006825 546460
Sales unit: 1 pc
BT-EW 150
Electric Welding Machine
Art.-No. 15.440.54
Continuously adjustable welding current (1)
Thermal cut-out with control light (2)
Carrying handle (3)
Earth terminal (4)
Electrode fastener (5)

Summary of content (1 pages)