User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. Important Information
1.1. Safety Warnings
1.1.1. Safety Considerations
This document must be reviewed for familiarization with the product, instructions, and safety symbols
before operation.
Verify that local safety regulations are adhered to during installation with regard to grounding and
lightning protection.
Verify that the correct AC power source is available for the Power Inserter.
Disconnect the product from operating power before cleaning.
1.1.2. Warning Symbols Used in this Manual
Injury or death may result from failure to heed a WARNING. Do not proceed beyond a
WARNING until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Damage to equipment may result from failure to heed a caution. Do not proceed beyond a
CAUTION until the indicated conditions are understood and met.
Indicates critical information to be aware of which may affect the completion of a task or
successful operation of equipment.
All antennas must be installed by a knowledgeable and professional installer.
An antenna must be connected to the AP, LCPE or ER unit before powering up the equipment.
Powering up equipment without an antenna connected can permanently damage the unit or
the RF transmission cable
Change the passwords and community names as soon as possible. Default community names
and passwords given in this book are provided to all customers and are not secure.
1.2. Notices and Contacts
1.2.1. Copyright Notice
Copyright © July 2009 EION, Inc.
All rights reserved.