User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Receive Signal Strength Indicatior (RSSI)
The 'associated' command shows the signal strength and noise levels for radios in the same bridge
group. To see close to real time RSSI, add the "watch" command after the "associated" command.
AP antenna alignment using the ‘watch’ command:
EION: show interface Wireless 0 associated watch
Client MAC Id Speed RSSI Signal Inactive TX RX Caps Flags
0015.6d63.4df8 1 54 60 -35 120 2 56576 Ecs F
0015.6d63.641a 2 54 59 -36 120 2 37456 Ecs F
The Client MAC address refers to the wireless MAC address of the CPE or slave
EION: show interface Wireless 0 signal watch
Link Quality=54/94 Signal level=-41 dBm Noise level=-95 dBm Configuration and Link Test
1. Connect a laptop to the "TO LAN" side of the power inserter the LibraPlus.
2. Configure unit to the proper center frequencies, etc. if you have not done that previously
3. If the link results are satisfactory, proceed to Step 6 below. If the link is unsatisfactory first turn the
antenna in different directions to benefit from beneficial multi-paths. If still unsuccessful look for
another antenna location with better line-of-sight until you find a location that is satisfactory.
4. Refer to the troubleshooting guidelines if problems persist.
5. Adjust antenna position to achieve the best Link performance.
6. When Link performance is satisfactory, tighten mounting hardware. Test network connectivity
The next step is to verify that a computer attached to the LibraPlus can communicate with a computer
on the other side of the wireless link.
1. Call up the Network Operations Center (NOC).
2. "Ping" the NOC from the CPE.
3. Have the NOC "ping" the CPE from the NOC. A successful ping test means that the network "sees"
the CPE on the network.
4. Connect the CPE Ethernet Port to the customer LAN or PC.
5. Ping from the Customer LAN or PC to the NOC.
6. Use ftp to send some larger test files from the NOC to the PC or other IP device on the LAN.
7. Measure file transfer rates in both directions.
Field Installation