User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Arguments. No arguments.
EION: interface Wireless 1 encryption ccmp
Interface 'Wireless 1': CCMP enabled.
EION: interface Wireless 1 encryption no ccmp
Interface 'Wireless 1': CCMP disabled.
interface {name} {index} authentication wpa-psk {pre-shared-key}
Description. Set pre-shared key for WPA and WPA2 and enable WPA-PSK mode. The com-
mand is applicable to both station (CPE) and access point modes.
No-Form. Clear the pre-shared key and disable WPA-PSK mode.
Specifies a pre-shared key.
EION: interface Wireless 1 authentication wpa-psk deo3Icodfer34
WPA PSK enabled.
EION: interface Wireless 1 authentication no wpa-psk
WPA PSK disabled.
interface {name} {index} authentication radius-profile {profile-name}
Description. Set RADIUS profile for WPA EAP authentication. RADIUS profile has to be
not empty. The command is applicable to the access point mode only. Set pre-shared key for WPA
and WPA2 and enable WPA-PSK mode. The command is applicable to both station (CPE) and
access point modes.
No-Form. Unmap RADIUS profile.
Specifies a RADIUS profile name.
EION: interface Wireless 1 authentication radius-profile rad1
RADIUS profile 'rad1' mapped.
EION: interface Wireless 1 authentication no radius-profile
RADIUS profile unmapped.
interface {name} {index} authentication ieee-802.1x
Description. Enable IEEE 802.1x. The command is applicable to both station (CPE) and access
point modes.
No-Form. Disable IEEE 802.1x.
Arguments. No arguments.
EION: interface Wireless 1 authentication ieee-802.1x
IEEE 802.1x enabled.