User's Manual

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Example 4.24. Download a PEM file from a TFTP server
EION: certificate import ivanov.pem
Can't copy certificate 'ivanov.pem' to the repository: bad password read
EION: certificate import ivanov.pem aQsWde15r
Certificate 'ivanov.pem' copied from tftp://
certificate import {file}
Description. View a certificate or a private key. You may copy the file contents from the screen
and paste it to the local file using a text editor.
No-Form. N/A.
Local certificate file name.
certificate delete {file}
Description. Delete a certificate or a private key from the repository.
No-Form. N/A.
Local certificate file name.
certificate show
Description. Show the contents of the certificate repository. Each entry has a name and may
contain a certificate and/or a private key. Both of them may be encrypted.
No-Form. N/A.
Arguments. No arguments.
Example 4.25. Show Certificate Contents
EION: show certificates
Name Certificate Encrypted Key Encrypted
ivanov.crt Yes Off No N/A
ivanov.key No N/A Yes On
ivanov.pem Yes Off Yes On MAC Address Based Filtering
MAC address filtering is based on access control lists. Each list contains MAC addresses, lists have
unique names. They can be mapped to wireless interfaces in either black or white mode:
white means that all MAC addresses are allowed except those included in a list.