Operation Manual

Connection and starting 32
If you want to direct these tones in case of phone calls again to the internal speakers (for
privacy), you have to shut off the Bluetooth® connection. This is possible either through a
suitable key sequence on your mobile phone or by switching the POWER mode selector (pt.
6) to “BT OFF”. In that case the mobile phone asks for a confirmation of the break. When
that is done the reproduction of signal tones and speech as well as music is again via your
mobile phone.
With the first re-start after initial installation of a new Bluetooth® connection your music
source tries automatically to restore this Bluetooth® connection.
Receiving Bluetooth® signals needs a small antenna that projects out of the rear panel of
the ELAC complete active subwoofer as a short “stub”.
For optimum transmission quality of music signals the files should be compressed with a
data rate of 192 kb/sec.
Under some circumstances it is clever to invert the polarity of both satellite speakers in rela-
tion to the subwoofer (turning the phase by 180°). This can be necessary under special room
conditions and/or relative positions of subwoofer and satellites. If you feel the bass is too
weak (especially the higher or “Kick” bass), or it seems muddy and not controlled, you
should once try polarity inversion if it helps.
The phase will be turned by 18
by connecting BOTH satellite
speakers knowingly with wrong
polarity. The positive cable pole
(“+”) is connected to the negative
output clamp (“-“) and vice versa.
For clarity the sketch shows the
“+”-pole in brighter colour. This
must be done with BOTH
Compare this to the standard
connection. The version that
sounds more full is the proper one,
possibly allowing a slight reduction
of subwoofer level (or crossover
frequency) and thereby improving
the quality.