Operation Manual

Description and use of the control panel Page 29
The choice of polarity can have a considerable influence on the sound produced
by the subwoofer in a room. It can be set to “+” or “-”. The optimum setting can be
most easily determined by a listening test. If switching for example from “+” to “-”
in the room generally produced an increased bass volume, then this polarity is “more correct” and should be re-
To adjust the polarity, go to the rotation menu with one of the outer arrow keys to select “Polarity”. By pressing the
selector key in the middle, you arrive at polarity selection. Now select the required polarity with one of the outer ar-
row keys, and return to the rotation menu by pressing the selector key. Your selected polarity will now be shown.
6 HIGH-PASS (Only available with SUB 2080 D)
In addition to input sockets, the subwoofer also has output sockets. Via these
XLR sockets, the amplifier for stereo loudspeakers on the one hand and, on the
other, also active loudspeakers can be connected. The advantage of this
arrangement is that the signal that is fed to the stereo loudspeakers is filtered.
Filtering of the lowest frequencies ensures that the loudspeakers can reproduce the sound freely and so guaran-
teeing the reproduction of high sound levels with low distortion. Thanks to its design, the subwoofer can reproduce
low frequencies better than many standalone or satellite speakers, and a high-pass filtering is thus very useful. The
selection of crossover frequency for the high-pass filter is largely dependent on the frequency of the crossover. The
crossover frequency of the high-pass filter should not be higher than that of the crossover, as otherwise sound
level drops in the frequency range between the two crossover frequencies occur, and these can distort the sound.
However, the arrangement of the loudspeaker setup and the design of the speakers should also be considered
when selecting the high-pass crossover frequency. In general, large standalone speakers need a lower crossover
frequency than small satellite speakers.
A brief guide to selecting high-pass-crossover frequencies is provided by the below table. Take the relationship to
the crossover frequency into account when making the selection.
Loudspeaker configuration Transition frequency at ELAC Sub
HiFi stereo system with small loudspeakers 101 Hz – 80 Hz
Satellite subwoofer system (stereo) 80 Hz – 59 Hz
HiFi stereo system with large shelf cabinets, small
standalone speakers (as with most ELAC speak-
59 Hz – MIN
To adjust the high-pass crossover frequency, go to the rotation menu with one of the outer arrow keys to select
“High-pass”. By pressing the selector key in the middle you arrive at frequency selection. Now select the required
crossover frequency with one of the outer arrow keys, and return to the rotation menu by pressing the selector key.
Your selected high-pass crossover frequency will now be shown.