User's Manual

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2.5 Normal Operation
As soon as the device has completed the initialization, it is entering normal
operation. During normal operation the device is searching for a transponder
2.6 Detection of a Transponder
If a transponder is detected by the reader, following actions are performed
Send the ID to the host. By default, the USB device sends by
emulating keystrokes of a keyboard. A RS232 device sends the
ASCII code of an ID.
Sound a beep
Turn off the green LED
Blink the red LED for two seconds
Turn on the green LED
Within the two seconds timeout, where the red LED is blinking, the
transponder, which just has been recognized will not be accepted again. This
prevents the reader from sending identical IDs more than one time to the
If during the two seconds timeout of the red LED a different transponder is
detected, the complete sequence restarts immediately.
2.7 Suspend Mode
Once the host is resuming to normal operation mode, this is also signaled
via the USB bus. Therefore, the transponder reader will resume to normal
operation, too.