User`s manual

Chapter 5 – Tables
Spreadsheet Cell Entry and Editing Commands
Function Key (combination)
Enter a number into the current cell 0-9
Enter a number or expression into the current cell. =
Enter a label string into the current cell to be left justif < ied
Enter a label string into the current cell to be centered \
Enter a label string into the current cell to be right jus > tified
Left justify the string in the current cell. {
Center the string in the current cell. |
Right justify the string in the current cell. }
Enter a format string into the current cell. F (with more commands)
Edit the value associated with the current cell. e (with more commands)
Edit the string associated with the current cell.
Clear the current cell. x
Mark the current cell. m
Copy a previously marked cell to the current cell, updating row and column
s in its numeric or string expression, if any
Switch to insert mode and append a '+' to the current ression or value + exp
Switch to insert mode and append a '-' to the current expression or value -
Spreadsheet File Commands
Function Key (combination)
Open a new worksheet from a file. Ctrl+O
Save the current worksheet to a file. Ctrl+S
Save the current worksheet into a file if it has been modified, and then quit. ZZ
Write a listing of the current works ile in a form that mat
appearance on the screen (print to a
heet into a f ches its W
Write a listing o
for processing by the tbl
f the current worksh , but include delimiters suitable
, LaTeX, or Te
T eet to a file
X table processors.
Merge the worksheet from the named file into the current table. M
Spreadsheet Miscellaneous Commands
Function Key (combination)
Exit from the spreadsheet program Ctrl+Q
Abort entry of the current command ESC .
Help F1, ?
Redraw the screen Ctrl+L
Re ith special highlighting of cells to be filled in Ctrl+R draw the screen w
Highlight cells which have expressions Ctrl+X
Recalculate the spreadsheet. @