Operator's Manual

OM-E 2072-09689-00
To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to perform the test under
controlled conditions. This is achieved by disconnecting the external
antenna, and connecting a 50 dummy load or 30 dB attenuator with
a suitable power rating (150W or more) to the ANT connector (make
sure to select TUNE on PROG > RAD > OPTS > ACC when using a
dummy load). In addition, you must perform the test in the SSB mode,
and the DPWR parameter must be MAX (DPWR changes only after
the Micom-Z is turned off and then back on).
Select the test best suited to the detected problem, and wait a few seconds for the test to
complete. Refer to Table 3-3 for a description of the test result codes, and the recommended
Table 3-3. Error Codes
Error Code Meaning Probable Cause
00 O.K. – no errors
01 DSP boot checksum fail (during
LORD board problem
02 DSP PLL unlocked LORD board problem
03 DSP external RAM memory LORD board problem
05 DSP internal RAM memory LORD board problem
08 HC16 flash memory checksum LORD board problem
09 HC16 RAM memory LORD board problem
10 No 16.8 MHz clock LORD board problem
11 Battery low Weak internal battery: replace battery to correct
12 Control head wake-up Control head problems
13 Control head is not responding Control head problems
14 Radio not programmed Problem experienced during programming.
Program radio (connect the MRC at 1200 bps)
15 Database fail ALE scanned channels do not match the
programmed channels by means of the MRC
16 VCO 1 first injection LORD board problem
17 VCO 2 first injection LORD board problem
18 VCO 3 first injection LORD board problem
19 VCO second injection LORD board problem
20 Synthesizer unlock LORD board problem
21 Receiver failure LORD board problem
22 Preselector range 1 LORD board problem
23 Preselector range 2 LORD board problem
24 Preselector range 3 LORD board problem
25 Preselector range 4 LORD board problem
26 Preselector range 5 LORD board problem
27 Preselector range 6 LORD board problem