Service manual

Page 101
© January 2013 Aqua-Hot
600-D01 Series Hydronic Heating System Service Manual - Rev. A
When storing the Motorhome: Not winterizing the Aqua-
Hot when freezing temperatures are present will result in
serious damage to the Aqua-Hot’s Domestic Water Heating
System. Also, be sure to use an FDA approved, “GRAS”
rated antifreeze for winterization.
120 Volt-A.C. Electric Heating Element
Please note that the 120 Volt-AC Electric Heating Element is
the Aqua-Hot’s
secondary heat source
for heating both the
interior and/or the domestic hot water during low heating de-
mand situations (such as when moderate ambient temperatures
exist and/or when there is a low demand for domestic hot wa-
If the 120 Volt-AC Electric Heating Element is not providing
enough heat, turn the Diesel-Burner on, in conjunction with the
120 Volt-AC Electric Heating Element.
The Aqua-Hot can continue to be used for interior
zone heating once the domestic water heating system
has been drained and winterized.
1. If the Diesel burner Fails to operate:
A. Is the Diesel Fuel in the motor home winter
fuel or summer fuel?
B. Is the Diesel Fuel liquid or Jelled?
C. Are the electrodes properly adjusted?
D. When was the last time an Annual Service
was performed?
Figure C1
The Aqua-Hot 675 Utilizes both a 120 VAC and a
240 VAC heating element.