Service manual

Page 17
© January 2013 Aqua-Hot
600-D01 Series Hydronic Heating System Service Manual - Rev. A
The interior switch panel is used to control the two potential
heating sources for the Aqua-Hot’s boiler tank, as well as to
control the engine preheat feature. When a switch is activat-
ed, the indicator light on the switch will illuminate.
Diesel-Burner Switch:
When the diesel-burner switch is in the on position, and any
time the control thermostat tells the electronic controller that
heat is needed for the boiler tank, the diesel-burner will re-
spond by firing up and providing heat. A cold boiler tank
can expect to be brought to operating temperature by the
diesel-burner in approximately 10 to 20 minutes. In order to
obtain continuous hot water, the diesel-burner switch must
be activated.
Additionally, the diesel-burner switch can be used to reset a
low-voltage condition. This is accomplished by turning off
the diesel-burner switch for 30 seconds, then turning it back
Engine Preheat Switch:
The engine preheat switch activates the engine preheat
pump, which draws the motor home’s engine coolant
through the boiler tank to heat it before returning it to the
engine block to transfer the heat there. Either the diesel-
burner switch or the electric element switch must also be
activated in order for the engine preheat feature to function.
The engine preheat switch does not need to be activated for
the motor-aide feature to work and should be shut off when
Electric Element Switch:
When the motor home is plugged into an AC power source
(e.g., shore power, generator, etc.) and the electric element
switch is on, the electric heating element will be used to pro-
vide heat to the boiler tank if the need arises. A cold boiler
tank can expect to be brought to operating temperature by the
electric heating element in approximately 1 to 2 hours. The
electric element, alone, will not be able to provide continu-
ous hot water.
NOTE: If the diesel-burner fails to ignite, the diesel burner
status light will go out, indicating to the customer the burn-
er has gone into a default. To reset the default, the diesel
burner switch must be turned off for 5 seconds and then
turned back on.
Figure 6
NOTE: The Electric Heating Element (s) is the Aqua-Hot’s
secondary heat source for heating both the interior and/or
the domestic hot water during low heating demand situa-
tions (such as when moderate ambient temperatures exist
and/or when there is a low demand for domestic hot water).
This feature is only operational whenever the Motor Home
is connected to VAC power or when the generator is operat-