Service manual

Page 69
© January 2013 Aqua-Hot
600-D01 Series Hydronic Heating System Service Manual - Rev. A
Diesel-Burner Motor:
The motor drives the combustion air blower and the
fuel pump. In order to perform the following proce-
dures, it may be necessary to detach the diesel-
burner head.
Component Test:
Locate the diesel-burner controller’s C-Plug and insert
the probes of a DC voltmeter into the C-2 (+) and the C-
5 (-) locations.
Turn the diesel switch
and verify both the diesel
burner status light and the heating status lights are
illuminated on the electronic controller. If either
light is not illuminated, follow the trouble shooting
guide for that particular component.
Observe the voltage level. If a normal voltage regis-
ters on the voltmeter and the motor is not operating,
inspect the C-Plug Harness for loose or damaged
wire connections. If the C-Plug harness and con-
nections are in good condition, but the motor is not
operational the motor must be replaced.
If there is no 12 Volts D.C. present on the C-2 pin, con-
Verify the Electronic Controller is sending power
to the diesel burner motor.
Using a volt meter, check for 12 Volt-DC on the
JP4 plug, on the B4 + pin (red wire #3). If no
power is present verify the electronic controller is
receiving power from the batteries.
Locate the main power terminals on the
bottom of the electronic controller.
Using a volt Meter, check for 12 Volt -
D.C. on the JP 8 terminal. If no voltage is
present, verify that either the jumper is in
place, that connects pins JP5 and JP8 together,
or if there is a power wire hooked up to the
JP8 terminal verify that it is receiving 12 Volt
D.C. from the Motor home’s batteries.
If the JP8 pin does have 12 Volt D.C. +,
but pin 3, on the JP4 terminal does not have
power, replace the electronic controller.
12 Volt D.C. + / - from
coach house batteries.
Figure 46
NOTE: The motor may have a flat spot and will cause the
burner to work intermittently. When testing the motor be
sure to test it multiple times to find the intermittent problem.