Owner`s manual

Test-fit two-pin plug P1 directly below J1. Orient P1 so the
locking ramp that sticks up alongside the pins is on the side farthest
from J1 as shown on the printed outline on the board.
Place the shell for the mating jack over the pins of P1 to protect
your fingers and, while holding P1 directly against the board, solder
one of P1’s pins. Check the following. If necessary, reheat the
soldered pin and adjust P1.
_ P1 is oriented so the locking ramp is on the side
farthest from J1.
_ P1 is sitting vertically and resting flat against the board.
Solder the second pin of P1 to the board, then touch up the tack-
soldered connection as needed to form a good joint.
If J3 is not aligned correctly as described in the next step,
the front cover will not fit during final assembly.
Install J3 at the center of the bottom edge of the board using the
same procedure to ensure it is square, inside the silk-screened outline
and flat against the board. Be certain you mount the jack on the
BOTTOM face of the board within the printed outline.
Turn the board over so the top face is up with KX1 in the upper
left corner.
Do not install caps on pushbutton switches S3, S4, and S5
until instructed to do so later in the assembly process. It is very
easy to damage the caps while soldering adjacent parts.
Position switch S5 on the board between RP2 and RP5. it may be
oriented either way that places the four pins in the solder pad holes.
With all four pins in the solder pad holes, press down on S5 until the
plastic bumps on the bottom of the switch body are touching the
board. Use a magnifier if necessary to be certain that the bumps on the
bottom of the switch are against the board. Each of the four pins
should stick out through the solder pads on the bottom of the board
about 3/32” (2.4 mm).
When you are satisfied that the switch is firmly against the board,
solder and trim all four terminals.
Install pushbutton switches S4 and S3 next to S5 using the same