Owner`s manual

Assembly – Part II
In this section you will assemble and test the receiver circuits. The
transmitter circuits will be assembled in Part III.
Position the board face up with KX1 in the upper left corner.
Install R19, 1.8k (brn-gry-red), 1/4 watt to the right of RP5 near
the center of the board.
Turn the board over so that J1 is in the upper right corner. Install
the following 1/4 watt resistors in the lower left quadrant of the board.
Form the leads as required so the resistors lie directly against the board
within the printed outlines.
_ R21, 2.7k (red-vio-red)
_ R14, 47 ohms (yel-vio-blk)
_ R18, 3.3 megohm (org-org-grn)
_ R29, 22k (red-red-org)
_ R5, 4.7k (yel-vio-red)
_ R20, 1k (brn-blk-red)
_ R15, 1 megohm (brn-blk-grn)
_ R25, 10 ohm (brn-blk-blk)
Open the envelope containing the seven molded inductors and
sort them to be certain you know which is which before you install the
first one. Compare the color codes you find on each inductor with the
list below. The color bands are very small. Use a magnifier as needed
to be sure of the colors.
L4: Micro (smaller) size, 2.2 µH (red-red-gold)
L5: Mini (larger) size, 5.6 µH (grn-blu-gold)
L6: Mini size, 6.8 µH (blu-gry-gold)
L7: Mini size, 4.7 µH (yel-vio-gold)
L10: Micro size, 33 µH (org-org-blk)
L8: Micro size, 18 µH (brn-gry-blk)
L9: Micro size, 100 µH (brn-blk-brn)
Do not pull on the inductor leads while handling them.
They are more easily damaged than the resistors or capacitors.
Turn the board so the bottom face is up with jack J1 in the upper
right corner.