Owner`s manual

In the following steps you may be installing some
capacitors with leads closer together than the hole spacing in the
circuit board. Form the leads of these capacitors as shown in
Figure 12. Be sure the top of the capacitor is no higher than 5/16”
(7.9 mm) above the board (see Figure 7).
Figure 12. Forming Capacitor Leads.
Install the following capacitors above and to the right of the
3-digit LED display.
_ C50, 39 pF (39 or 390), lead spacing (LS) 0.2”
_ C51, 100 pF (101), LS 0.2”
_ C52, 22 pF (220)
Install capacitor C16, .1 µF (104) between varactors D5 and D6.
Install capacitor C4, 27 pF (270) between molded inductors L8
and L10.
Install capacitor C8, .1 µF (104) directly above molded
inductor L9.
Install capacitor C2, 27 pF (270) between capacitor C55 and
diode D4 on the lower edge of the board.
Install capacitor C21, .1 µF (104) at the lower right-hand corner
of the board.
Install the following capacitors between the printed outlines for
potentiometers R2 and R3 in the lower right quadrant of the board.
_ C17, .1 µF (104)
_ C18, .1 µF (104)
_ C19, .022 µF (223), LS 0.2”
Install capacitor C22, .01 µF (103) on the right hand edge of the
board above the printed outline for J4.
Install capacitor C27, 150 pf (151) directly above L6 in the upper
right hand quadrant of the board.
Install the following capacitors in the upper right quadrant of the
_ C47, 220 pF (221) in the upper right corner of the board.
_ C54, 56 pF (56), to the left of C47.
_ C49, 1000 pF (102) below C54.
_ C48, 1000 pF (102) next to C49
_ C46, 470 pF (471) next to C54