Owner`s manual

Install trimmer CA as follows:
_ Place a red trimmer in the CA position with the flat side of
the trimmer over the flat side on the printed outline.
_ Press the trimmer down against the board and spread the pins
to hold it in place. Note that the adjustment for the trimmer is
not visible from the top. It is accessed from the bottom
through the hole in the board.
_ Check to ensure the trimmer is sitting directly against the
board and then solder and trim both pins.
Install trimmers CB and CC using the same procedure as CA:
_ CB (red) directly below transistor Q7 on the right side of
encoder Z1.
_ CC (brown) to the right of trimmer CB.
Bend ceramic capacitor C1 so that it touches the side of trimmer
CB. This will ensure that it does not interfere with the KXB30 or
KXB8030 option when it is installed.
Turn the board over so the bottom is facing up and jack J1 is in
the upper right corner.
Open the package for four crystals: X2, X3, X4 and X5. The four
crystals are identical.
While installing crystals in the following steps, be careful
not to flow too much solder onto the leads. Too much solder may
wick through the plated hole and cause a short to the case under
the crystal were it cannot be seen.
Install crystal X2 (4.9136) as follows:
_ Insert X2 (4.9136) into the board over the printed outline just
below electrolytic capacitor C7. The crystal may go into the
holes either way around .
_ Note the location of the ground solder pad near the crystal.
_ Remove the crystal and solder to the case a discarded
component lead no more than 3/16” (4.5 mm) above the
bottom of the crystal where it will go straight down through
the ground solder pad. If desired, you may attach the ground
lead after installing the crystal.
_ Place the crystal on the board, threading the leads through
the solder pad holes.
_ While holding the crystal vertical and firmly against the
board, wet your soldering iron with a drop of solder on the
tip and tack-solder one of the crystal leads.
_ Check to ensure the crystal is flat against the board and
perpendicular to the board. If necessary, reheat the lead while
adjusting the position of the crystal.
_ Solder and trim the remaining crystal and ground leads.