Owner`s manual

Alignment and Test - Part II
Temporarily mount the VFO knob on the shaft of encoder Z1.
Due to the small size of the KX1’s front panel, knobs are
not appropriate for use on the RF GAIN, FILTER and AF GAIN
controls. The shafts of these potentiometers, which are knurled
and have molded index marks, are designed to function as knobs.
Unwrap the cover and set it near the circuit board so you can see
the legends identifying the controls and their functions.
Set AF GAIN fully counter-clockwise (minimum volume).
Make sure the POWER switch is turned OFF (S2).
Plug your power supply or battery into J1.
Turn on power to the KX1. The 3-digit LED display should show
the operating frequency. If not, disconnect the power source
immediately. Locate the source of trouble before proceeding.
Relay Test
Tap BAND twice, quickly, to change bands. You should hear
relays K1 and K2 switching.
If necessary, use BAND again to return to 7 MHz.
Sidetone Generator and Audio Amplifier
Plug in a pair of stereo headphones at J4 (at the right end of the
board), and rotate the AF GAIN control clockwise to about 12 o'clock.
Tap MENU and use the VFO knob to locate the STL (sidetone
level) menu entry. Since you have no antenna connected, you may
hear some digital switching noise as you rotate the VFO knob or press
The sidetone level is set by editing the STL menu parameter.
Hold EDIT to show the parameter and turn on the sidetone. You can
then rotate the VFO knob to vary the sidetone level, from 0-3. Select
a comfortable level, then tap
MENU to turn off the sidetone and return
to the STL display.
Note: STL sets the sidetone volume level in relation to normal
received audio. The AF GAIN control sets the overall volume for both
received signals and sidetone.