Data Sheet

Smart Machine Smart Decision
27.007); type of address given by <toda>
<tooa> GSM 04.11 TP-Originating-Address Type-of-Address octet
in integer format (default refer <toda>)
<toda> GSM 04.11 TP-Destination-Address Type-of-Address octet in
integer format (when first character of <da> is + (IRA 43) default is 145,
otherwise default is 129)
129 Unknown type(IDSN format number)
161 National number type(IDSN format)
145 International number type(ISDN format)
177 Network specific number(ISDN format)
<length> Integer type value (not exceed 160 bytes) indicating in the
text mode (+CMGF=1) the length of the message body <data> (or
<cdata>) in characters;
or in PDU mode (+CMGF=0), the length of the actual TP
data unit in octets (i.e. the RP layer SMSC address octets are
not counted in the length)
<stat> in the text mode (+CMGF=1):
"STO UNSENT" Stored unsent messages
"STO SENT" Stored sent messages
in PDU mode (+CMGF=0):
0 Received unread messages
1 Received read messages
2 Stored unsent messages
3 Stored sent messages
<pdu> In the case of SMS: GSM 04.11 SC address followed by
GSM 03.40 TPDU in hexadecimal format: ME/TA converts each octet of
TP data unit into two IRA character long hexadecimal number (e.g. octet
with integer value 42 is presented to TE as two characters 2A (IRA 50 and
65)). In the case of CBS: GSM 03.41 TPDU in hexadecimal format.
<index> Index of message in selected storage <mem2>
Execution Response
Command TA transmits SMS message (either SMS-DELIVER or SMS-SUBMIT)
from TE to memory storage <mem2>. Memory location <index> of the
stored message is returned. By default message status will be set to 'stored
unsent', but parameter <stat> allows also other status values to be given.
If writing is successful:
+CMGW: <index>
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
Parameter Saving NO_SAVE
SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.05 121 2014-07-31