Data Sheet

Smart Machine Smart Decision
20.7 SMS Commands
Demonstration Syntax Expect Result
Set SMS system into text mode, as AT +C MGF= 1 OK
opposed to PDU mode.
Send an SMS to myself. AT+CSCS="GSM" OK
AT+CMGS="+861391 +CMGS:34
>This is a test OK
Unsolicited notification of the SMS +CMTI: "SM",1
Read SMS message that has just arrived. AT +CM GR=1 +CMGR: "REC UNREAD",
Note: the number should be the same as "+8613918186089", "","02
that given in the +CMTI notification. /01/30,20:40:31+00"
This is a test
Reading the message again and change AT +CMGR =1 +CMGR: "REC READ",
the status to "READ” from ”UNREAD” "+8613918186089","",
This is a test
Send another SMS to myself. AT+CMGS="+861391 +CMGS:35
>Test again<Ctrl+Z> OK
Unsolicited notification of the SMS +CMTI: "SM",2
List all SMS messages. AT+CMGL="ALL" +CMGL: 1, "REC
Note:”ALL” must be in uppercase. READ","+8613918186089",
"", "02/01/30,20:40:31+00"
This is a test
+CMGL: 2, "REC
UNREAD"," ",
"+8613918186089", ""
Test again
SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.05 350 2014-07-31