User Manual

UHF Wireless Troubleshooting and FAQ | en 51
-Voice Installation manual 2018-12 | 01 |
Short transmission
Receiver squelch set too high.
Adjust receiver squelch by trying
lower number values until desired
range is achieved.
Improperly placed receiver
Place receiver antennas out in the
open in the shared space of the
transmitter away from reflective or
grounding surfaces.
Disconnected, incorrect, or
failed antenna cable.
Ensure a known-to-be functional and
appropriate 50Ω BNC-terminated
cable is fully connected at the antenna
and receiver.
Competing RF signal at the
Turn off the transmitter and observe
the receiver RF meter. If any RF is
showing, follow the scan process and
select a new clear frequency. Then
turn on the transmitter and resync it to
the receiver’s new data.
Low AF signal on
receiver meter.
Transmitter sensitivity set too
Adjust transmitter sensitivity so that
high vocal peaks light the yellow LED
segment. Under extremely loud vocal
peaks, an occasional red LED
segment light is OK, but a solid and
constant red LED should be avoided.
Unstable radio
Radio interference.
Turn off the RE3 transmitter and
observe the receiver RF meter. If any
RF is showing, follow the scan
process and select a clear frequency.
Then turn on the transmitter and
resync it to the receiver’s new data.
Improperly placed receiver
Place receiver antennas out in the
open in the shared space of the
transmitter away from reflective or
grounding surfaces.
Disconnected, incorrect, or
failed antenna cable.
Ensure known-to-be functional and
appropriate 50Ω BNC-terminated
cables are fully connected at the
antenna and receiver.