Owner manual

Table Of Contents
36 Bits – Use the 36-bit per pixel Deep Color mode.
30 Bits (Dithered) – Use the 30-bit per pixel Deep Color mode with dithering technique.
30 Bits – Use the 30-bit per pixel Deep Color mode.
Off (Dithered) –Do not use Deep Color, but apply the dithering technique.
Off (default) – Do not use Deep Color.
4. Deep Color (HDMI 2) – To select the Deep Color mode for the HDMI 2 output. The available
options are the same as those for HDMI Deep Color (HDMI 1).
Since the Deep Color feature is OPTIONAL and may not be supported by all TVs, enabling
Deep Color while connected to a TV without this feature may result in no effect or no video.
At this time, no disc is encoded with Deep Color. Enabling Deep Color will not magically
make colors richer, but will help preserve the maximum precision as a result of video
processing and picture control adjustment.
Dithering is a technique to improve the image color depth with limited color quantization.
5 Demo Mode – To enable a special split-screen demonstration mode. This is designed for the
demonstration of the Qdeo video processing technology. It can also be used as an aid for
setting picture control adjustments for Noise Reduction, Color Enhancement and Contrast
Enhancement. It should NOT be used for normal movie watching. The available options are:
On – The video screen will be split in half. The left side shows video without the help of
Qdeo video processor, and the right side shows the Qdeo video processing result.
Off (default) – Normal viewing mode.
The demo mode is canceled automatically after the player is turned off.
6 Video Only (HDMI 1) – To choose whether only send video signal (no audio signal) to HDMI 1
terminal or not. The available options are:
No (default) – Both video and audio signals are sent to HDMI 1 terminal.
Yes – Only video signal is sent to HDMI 1 terminal. This can be useful if you use HDMI 1
only for video display, no need to lower the volume or mute the HDTV connecting to it.