Owner's Guide

18 Setting Oven Controls
Convection Baking/Convert Tips
Fully preheat the oven before baking items like cookies,
biscuits, and breads.
When using any single oven rack, position the rack in the
oven so that the food is in the center of the oven.
When baking cakes using two oven racks, place bakeware
in positions 1 (using glide rack) and 4 (using flat rack)
(Figure 20) and place pans as shown in Figure 19.
Allow 2 inches (5 cm) of space between bakeware to allow
for proper air circulation.
Cookies and biscuits should be baked on pans with no
sides or very low sides to allow air to circulate around the
Dark or dull bakeware absorbs more heat than shiny
bakeware, resulting in dark or overbrowned foods. It may
be necessary to reduce oven temperature or bake time to
prevent overbrowning of some foods. Dark bakeware is
recommended for pies. Shiny bakeware is recommended
for cakes, cookies, and muffins.
Do not open the oven door often. Opening the door will
reduce the temperature in the oven and may increase bake
Reduce oven temperature 25°F (14°C) from recipe’s
recommended oven temperature. Follow the remainder of
the recipe’s instructions using the minimum recommended
bake time.
For cakes, pastries, and breads, use the convection bake
function for best results when using multiple racks.
Convection Convert
Use convection convert to automatically convert any normal
baking recipe into a convection bake recipe. The control uses
the normal recipe settings and adjusts to a lower temperature
for convection baking. When set properly, this feature is
designed to display the actual converted (reduced) temperature
in the display. Convection convert may only be used with a con-
vection bake cooking mode.
Benefits of convection convert:
Superior multiple oven rack performance
Some foods bake faster, saving time and energy
No special bakeware required
When using convection convert, bake time reductions may vary
depending on the open temperature setting. Convection convert
reduces original temperatures by 25°F (14°C).
To set convection convert with the factory default oven
temperature of 350°F (176°C):
Always use pot holders or oven mitts when using the oven.
When baking, the oven interior and oven racks will become very
hot which can cause burns.
Figure 20: Rack positions
1. Arrange interior oven racks.
2. Select an oven by pressing either UPPER
3. Press conv bake.
4. Press conv convert. The temperature dis-
played will be 25°F (14°C) lower than what
it used to be.
5. Press START enter to begin the convec-
tion baking. Once the oven reaches the set
temperature, a tone will sound indicating
the oven is ready.
6. Press CANCEL off to stop or cancel the
convection feature at any time.