
To Level The Freezer:
Whileunitislyingon itsback,notethe
locationofthe4 leglevelersinstalbdat
each corner. These leg levelers will be
used to level the freezer and to adjust the
height. Use a carpenter's level to level the
freezer from front to back and side to side.
Adjust the plastic leveling feet in front, 1/2
bubble higher, so that the door closes
easily when left halfway open.
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Leveling'_Feet ii_ e
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Leveling Instructions For
Matching Tall Refrigerator / Tall
Freezer Pair:
= Level door of first unit using all four
levelers and slide unit into place.
Recheck for levelness and adjust
if necessary.
Measure distance from floor to
bottom of door on first unit. Adjust
and level second unit so door
height matches.
Leg Level Adjustments:
One full turn of all 4 leg levelers will
raise door 5/32".
Slide second unit into place leaving a
Leveling Door with
Adjustable Hinge
Use the lower hinge adjustment to fine
tune the door height and for final cabinet
spacing. Use a 7/16" socket or wrench
to adjust the screw at the bottom of the
lower hinge.
Adjusting Doors For Matching Tall
Refrigerator / Tall Freezer Pair
The doors may also be adjusted side to
side with the slotted hinge for aligning
the doors parallel to each other. Loosen
the two bolts with a %" wrench and one
screw with a Phillips screwdriver. Shift
the doors until parallel, then retighten the
screws securely. (See illustration below.)
Lower Hinge Adjustment For
Leveling The Doors Of The
Matching Tall Refrigerator / Tall
Freezer Pair
To level the doors using the adjustable
lower hinge (some models):
1. Ifthe refrigerator door is lower than
the freezer door, raise the refrigerator
door by turning the adjustment screw
clockwise using a 7/16" socket
wrench. (See illustration below.)
2. Ifthe freezer door is lower than the
refrigerator door, raise the freezer
door by turning the adjustment screw
clockwise using a 7/16" socket
wrench. (See illustration below.)
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