Service manual

Electronic Control
Electronic Temperature Control
The electronic temperature control is located at the top
center of the refrigerated compartment. Temperature
is factory preset to provide satisfactory food storage
temperatures. However, the temperature control is
adjustable to provide a range of temperatures for
personal satisfaction. To adjust the temperature
setting, press the UP button on the control panel for
warmer temperatures and the DOWN button for colder
temperatures. Allow several hours for the temperature to
stabilize between adjustments.
Power Up
On initial power up, control defaults to set temperature
Temperature Setting Selection
For settings 1 though 7 when the UP button is pushed (to
increase temperature), the setting number will decrease
by one and when the DOWN button is pushed (to
decrease temperature), the setting number will increase
by one.
To turn the control off, go to temperature setting “1”.
Then press the UP key three times within five seconds.
The display will show “0”.
To turn the control on, press the DOWN key three times
within five seconds. The display will show “1”.
When the temperature setting is changed to “0”, the
compressor and defroster (if applicable) will be turned
off. Thermistor, Stuck Key and Low Voltage errors are
Fail Safe Mode
Refrigerator Fail Safe Mode:
When in fail safe mode, the refrigerator will run a “duty
cycle” with the compressor running 5 minutes and then
shutting off for 32 minutes. This will repeat until the error
is interrupted or the unit enters the defrost mode. The
refrigerator will remember compressor run time and will
go into its normal defrost, engaging the heater until the
defrost termination switch is opened and then will remain
in the defrost mode for a total of 30 minutes, including
heater “on” time and dwell time. Any time there is an
interruption of power or fail safe mode, regardless of
where the duty cycle was, the compressor will always run
for 5 minutes even if it was in the run mode when fail safe
was interrupted. Manual defrost will not activate during
this condition.
Freezer Fail Safe Mode:
When freezer is in fail safe mode the unit will run as
described for the refrigerator. The control will also
remember the compressor run time and when run time
is satisfied, a 30 minute defrost cycle will occur. Manual
defrost will not activate in fail safe.
Error Indication
The following error conditions are monitored:
Thermistor open or shorted.
Stuck Key (the key appears to be pressed for longer
than 30 seconds).
Low Voltage (AC line voltage has dropped below 92
If any of these errors occur, the display will flash an “E” at
one-second intervals.
Error indicator comes on at approximately 91 volts.
Error indicator comes on at approximately 92 volts.
During this condition compressor and heater are
Exiting Fail Safe Mode
Once a failure is resolved ( such as thermistor or stuck
key), the control resumes its normal operating mode
under the setting it was at before the error occurred.
Figure 3-1.