Recipe Book

Food Temperature
Shelf position Time
turn after
Tray Oven
Pasta bake 180 --- 2 30 ---
Potato bake au gratin 200 --- 2 20 - 23 ---
Gnocchi, au gratin 180 --- 2 20 - 23 ---
Cauliflower with Hol-
landaise sauce
200 --- 2 15 ---
Heating function: Defrost (Tempera-
ture setting 30°C)
Unpack the food and put it on a plate on
the 1st shelf from the bottom.
Do not cover with anything to decrease
the defrosting time.
Defrosting table
Food Time
Further de-
time (min)
Chicken, 1000 g 100 - 140 20 - 30 Put the chicken on an upturned
saucer in a big plate.
Turn halfway through
Meat, 1000 g 100 - 140 20 - 30 Turn halfway through
Meat, 500 g 90 - 120 20 - 30 Turn halfway through
Trout, 150 g 25 - 35 10 - 15 ---
Strawberries, 300
30 - 40 10 - 20 ---
Butter, 250 g 30 - 40 10 - 15 ---
Cream, 2 x 200 g 80 - 100 10 - 15 Whip the cream when still slightly
frozen in places
Gateau, 1400 g 60 60 ---
Heating function: Drying
Cover trays with grease proof paper or
baking parchment.
For a better result, stop the oven halfway
through the drying time, open the door
and let it cool down for one night to
complete the drying.
Drying table
Food Temperature
Shelf position Time (h)
1 position 2 position
Beans 75 2 2 / 3 6 - 9
Pepper slices 75 2 2 / 3 5 - 8
Vegetables for soup 75 2 2 / 3 5 - 6