Recipe Book

70 g raisins (soak in 20 ml of kirsch for
1 hour beforehand)
Ingredients for the finish:
50 g whole peeled almonds
Put flour, dried yeast, icing sugar, butter,
eggs, salt and milk into a mixing bowl and
knead to a smooth yeast dough. Cover
the dough in the bowl and leave to rise for
1 hour.
Knead the soaked raisins into the dough
by hand.
Place the almonds individually into each
hollow in a greased and floured gugelhupf
Then shape the dough into a sausage
shape, place in the gugelhupf tin. Cover
and leave to rise again for 45 minutes.
Time in the appliance: 60 minutes
Shelf position: 1
250 g plain chocolate
250 g butter
375 g sugar
2 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
16 g)
•1 pinch salt
5 tablespoons water
5 eggs
375 g walnuts
250 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Break chocolate up into large pieces and
melt in a bain marie.
Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla sug-
ar, salt and water, add the eggs and the
melted chocolate.
Roughly chop the walnuts, mix with the
flour and baking powder and fold into the
chocolate mixture.
Line a deep baking tray with baking
parchment, put the mixture on top and
Time in the appliance: 50 minutes
Shelf position: 2
After baking:
Leave to cool, remove baking parchment
and cut into squares.
150 g butter
150 g sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately 8
•1 pinch salt
zest of one unwaxed lemon
2 eggs
50 ml milk
25 g cornflour
225 g flour
10 g baking powder
1 jar of sour cherries (375 g)
225 g chocolate chips
Paper cases, approximately 7 cm diam-
Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla sug-
ar, salt and the zest of one unwaxed lem-
on. Add eggs and cream together again.
Mix the cornflour, flour and baking pow-
der and fold into the mixture with the milk.
Drain sour cherries and fold into the mix-
ture with the chocolate chips.
Put the mixture into the paper cases, put
cases onto a baking tray and put in the
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 2
4 eggs
2 tablespoons hot water
50 g sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately 8
•1 pinch salt
100 g sugar
100 g flour
100 g cornflour
2 level teaspoons baking powder
28 cm round springform baking tin,
black, bottom lined with baking parch-