Product Manual
• Theapplianceanditsaccessoriesbecomehotduringoperation.Useonlydesignatedhandlesand
knobs. Allow to cool down before cleaning and maintenance.
• Caution:Thesurfacesaroundtheheateraresubjectedtoresidualheatafteruse.
• Theappliancemustbeswitchedoffandmainsplugremovedfromwallsocketeachtimeafteruse,and
before cleaning and maintenance.
• Donotletthepowercordcomeintocontactwithhotsurfacesorhangovertheedgeofatableor
• Thekettlecanonlybeusedwiththebaseunitprovided.
• Thisapplianceisnotintendedtobeoperatedbymeansofanexternaltimerorseparateremote
control system.
• Thisapplianceisforindooruseonly.
• Thisapplianceisintendedfordomesticuseonly.Electroluxwillnotacceptanyliabilityforpossible
damage caused by improper or incorrect use.
1. Before first use, wipe the inside and outside of the kettle with a damp cloth.
2. Place the base unit on a firm and flat surface. Plug the mains plug into a wall socket. Extra cord length
can be wound up at the bottom of base unit.
3. Press the opening lid button to open the lid, pour water into the kettle. Make sure water level is visible
temperature shown on the display is reliable.
4. Close the lid and make sure it snaps in correctly. Place the kettle onto the base. The kettle beeps
to indicate that it is ready for use. The display shows the water temperature. Press the START/KEEP
WARM button once to start boiling water. When the water boils, the kettle beeps 1 time and switches off
5. START/KEEP WARM button and LED light. The left LED light on the START/KEEP WARM button indicates
boiling is in progress, the right LED light indicates KEEP WARM function is active.
6.To heat water to selected temperature (not boiling): Press the buttons
to select temperature.
Press the START/KEEP WARM button once. When the selected temperature is reached, the kettle beeps
1 time and switches off automatically.
7. Toheatwaterandkeepitwarmatselectedtemperature:Pressthebuttons
to select
temperature. Press the START/KEEP WARM button twice. (The left LED light on the START/KEEP WARM
button indicates boiling is in progress, the right LED light indicates KEEP WARM function is active). When
the selected temperature is reached, the kettle beeps 1 time and keeps the water warm for 30 minutes.
8. The automatic switch off function. When the water has boiled
the kettle is moved from the base, it
will switch off automatically.
9. If you wish to stop the heating process before the water is boiling, simply press the START/KEEP WARM
button twice.