Complete Owner's Guide

Warm or hot wa-
ter is not hot
Hot water heater is set too
low or is a distance from
Hot water is being used
elsewhere in the house.
Measure hot water temperature at
nearby faucet with candy or meat
thermometer. Water temperature
should be at least 120°F (49°C).
Adjust water heater as necessary.
Avoid using hot water elsewhere
before or during washer use. There
may not be enough hot water avail-
able for proper cleaning. If problem
persists, your hot water system
may be unable to support more
than 1 use at a time.
Water in wash-
er does not drain
or drains slowly
Drain hose is kinked or
Drain hose standpipe is too
tall. Maximum standpipe
height is 8’ (2.4 m).
House drain pipes are
Clean and straighten the drain
Reduce standpipe height to less
than 8’ (2.4 m). See Installation
sections of this guide.
Unclog drain pipes. Contact
plumber if necessary.
Water leaks Fill hose connection is loose
at faucet or washer.
Dispenser drawer not com-
pletely closed
Water hoses have damage,
cuts or corrosion.
Check and tighten hose
connections. Install rubber sealing
washers provided.
Close dispenser drawer completely.
Replace hoses.
Oversudsing HE detergent is not being
Too much detergent.
Run rinse cycle. Use a low-sudsing,
high efficiency detergent.
Run rinse cycle. Use less detergent
in future loads.
Incorrect wash
and rinse tem-
peratures. The
LED display will
alert this condi-
tion with “HOSE”
Hot and cold water hoses
are connected to wrong
supply faucets.
Connect hot water hose to hot
water faucet and cold water hose
to cold water faucet.
Water is entering
washer but tub
does not fill
Drain hose standpipe is too
low. Standpipe must be a
min of 23.6” (60 cm) high to
prevent siphoning.
Increase standpipe height to at
least 23.6” (60 cm). See Installation
sections of this guide.