Technical data

Water not flowing from
any tap when operated
but pump runs
Freshwater tank empty Check
Pump wired in reverse Check wiring, refer to pump manufacturers instructions
Pump not primed Refer to pump manufacturers instructions
Pipe inlet or outlet pipe disconnected Check connections
Pump pipes restricted by kinking Check pipes run
Blockage in pump inlet or outlet pipe Check, starting inside freshwater tank
Blocked in-line filter of pump filter Dismantle and clean
Air leak in suction line to pump Check for bubbles & secure with clip
Possible Cause Remedy
Pump does not run Pump or tap incorrectly wired Refer to pump/tap manufacturers instructions
Pump fuse blown Check wiring connection and then replace with fuse of correct rating
Battery disconnected Check connections
Pump seized or overheated Refer to pump manufacturers servicing instructions
Pressure pump sensing switch may have failed Refer to pump manufacturers servicing instructions
Contacts may be faulty Check contacts in plug and socket are clean and making contact
Wiring connections may be faulty Check wiring connections
On switched tap version, microswitch could be faulty Disconnect wires from microswitch and join together. If the pump
operates, microswitch should be replaced
Water flows from cold tap
but not from hot
Feed pipe to water heater incorrectly connected to Refer to installation instructions
the heater outlet
Blockage in hot pipeline Disconnect pipes and inspect
Heater inlet or outlet pipes kinked preventing flow Check and re-route if necessary. Ensure that hose is Carver
recommended type
Hot tap not connected Refer to installation manual
Hot tap failed or blocked Disconnect and inspect
Heater non-return valve jammed Seek service attention
Fault Finding