Technical data

Safety & Security
WARNING: The electronic test button
provides a full test of the unit’s
functionality. DO NOT try to test the
alarm with a naked flame, as this may
present a potential fire hazard.
Abnormal air conditions may cause the
highly sensitive smoke alarm to give a
“false” alarm. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE
BATTERIES. If no fire is apparent, ventilate
the caravan and/or blow fresh air into the
unit until the alarm stops. Once cleared the
smoke alarm will automatically reset.
Dust can lead to excess sensitivity therefore
it is recommended that the unit be
vacuumed every 6 months to help keep the
unit working efficiently.
Open cover and gently vacuum interior of
detector trying to keep the nozzle from
touching the unit.
WARNING: Never use portable cooking
or heating equipment other than electric
heaters that are not of the direct radiant
type, as it is a fire and asphyxiation
It is recommended that a 1kg (2lb) minimum
capacity dry powder fire extinguisher be
carried inside your caravan at all times.
When using a dry powder extinguisher it is
suggested that the caravan be evacuated
until the powder has settled, to avoid
A fat pan fire should not have a fire
extinguisher aimed at it. It should be
smothered with a fire blanket.
WARNING: Provide one dry powder fire
extinguisher of an approved type or
complying with ISO 7165, of at least 1kg
capacity, by the main exterior door and
a fire blanket next to the cooker.
Familiarise yourself with the instructions
on your fire extinguisher and the local
fire precaution arrangements.
It is important that you do not block escape
paths to emergency exits with obstructions
or hazzards.
Do not leave children alone in the caravan in
any event. Keep potentially dangerous items
out of reach, as at home e.g. matches, drugs
All caravans comply with BS EN 721. The
ventilation points on your caravan are fixed
points of ventilation which are required by
the European Standards.
All caravans have ventilation at high level
and low level which have been calculated to
suit the individual needs of your caravan.
High level ventilation is achieved by means
of the roof lights and washroom roof
ventilators. The low level ventilators are
positioned underneath the oven housing. All
models with sliding doors have two vents
located underneath the sliding doors.
Under no circumstances must these vents
be blocked or obstructed.
It is advised that fixed ventilation points are
checked and cleaned (if necessary) on a
regular basis using a small brush and a
domestic vacuum cleaner.
Additional night time ventilation is obtained
by releasing the window catches and placing
them in the second groove. Note the
windows are not sealed from rain in this
As the ventilation levels are calculated to suit
each models requirements there should be
no modifications made which may result in
reduced ventilation levels.
WARNING: Do not obstruct ventilation.